About Us

Philadelphia has the highest rate of poverty of any large city in the United States. Germantown has levels 50% higher than the city as a whole, with one third of its residents living in Deep Poverty ($6,380 individual; $13,100 family of 4), making it difficult to afford basic necessities of food or shelter.

Our values

Hospitality, Mutuality, and Transformation – speak to our belief that individuals experiencing poverty should be treated with respect. We are all equals here, with the same needs and desires – only our circumstances differ. We welcome everyone who enters our doors as our guests, helping them fight off the root causes of poverty.

Face to Face’s began on May 13, 1984, after the members of St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Church began cooking hot meals for their Germantown neighbors who were food insecure. Over the years, as the hardships became more apparent, we have responded to those needs organically, and today we offer a One Stop Shop of free services:

Face to Face relieves suffering in our guests by giving them support to meet their immediate needs through these core programs. We meet our guests where they are, and our program staff from all of our services work together to develop a unique plan of action for each guest that addresses their complex mix of issues.

In addition to our core programs, we offer ancillary services. Our Washeteria is available to guests to take a hot shower and receive a new set of clothes. Other services will not be reintroduced until the Fall. These include our Art Studio program for guests who want to exercise their creativity, and our Computer Lab that can be used by guests who do not have access to the internet for checking email or searching for employment opportunities.
Our Founders

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Learn more about how you can help those experiencing hunger and poverty.