What We Do

Our Dining Room


Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays


Fresh Choice Market


Thursdays from 12:30pm–2:00pm

Our Dining Room alleviates hunger by serving hot, nourishing meals to people experiencing poverty. Our meals are made from farm fresh, organic ingredients and served in a hospitable environment that fosters community connection. We open our doors by 9am and invite people to sit, relax, read, enjoy coffee and socialize. We reopened our dining room during the pandemic in July 2021 so guests could sit inside our air-conditioned dining room and enjoy their grab and go meal. Plexiglass dividers are on the tables to provide a personal safe zone for them to eat. We also offer a weekly choice produce market with seasonal fresh options free of charge.

Our volunteers serve the meal as though they were serving guests in their home. Since so many of our guests return on a regular basis, we make it a priority to learn each of their stories and address their individual needs. It is through the relationships that are formed in the dining room that guests are referred to our other programs.

Social Services

(215)438-7939 ext 220


Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays


The Social Service Center provides assistance to clients in a wide range of matters including utility and housing assistance, application for benefits, non-driver identification and rent rebate. Our housing navigator specializes in assisting clients/ guests with their specific housing needs including touring an apartment, meeting with a landlord and developing a budget. Our Social Service Center collaborates with other programs to ensure each guest’s needs are addressed as fully as possible.

The Legal Center assists our guests with numerous legal issues including social security disability, commutations, birth certificates, power of attorney/advanced directives/wills and consumer issues.

The Legal Center also assists our guests with legal issues concerning housing.  Our Housing Stabilization Initiative (HSI) addresses the complex housing issues facing so many of our guests. We represent tenants in eviction and habitability cases. We represent homeowners in resolving tangled title/deed issues, and also in resolving real estate property tax issues. We also offer basic estate planning services to help homeowners plan for a smooth transition of ownership to their heirs.

Face to Face Utility Clinic

 Birth Certificate Clinics:

  • January 4, 2025
  • February 1, 2025
  • March 1, 2025
  • April 5, 2025
  • May 3, 2025

 Expungement Clinics:

  • December 11, 2021
  • February 26, 2022
  • June 11, 2022

Health Center


Behavioral Health        

215-438-7939 ext. 208

Monday, Thursdays, Fridays , Saturdays 
9:00am – 3:00pm

2nd and 3rd Saturday of the month

12:00pm-2:00 pm


Monday, Thursdays, Fridays , Saturdays


The health center nurses provide a health and wellness screen with a focus on the toxic consequences of poverty such as asthma, hypertension, diabetes, severe foot issues and stress through supportive interaction and education.

We also provide mental health support. Our licensed clinical clinician offers individual, couple and family counseling. Stress management and mediation groups are also offered on a weekly basis by our behavioral health coordinator.

Educational Equity Program

Phone:                 215-438-7939 ext. 210


Monday – Friday 9:00am-4:00pm

In person hours, Monday, Thursday and Fridays.

Deep, intractable poverty and its related issues has a negative impact on children and families across the social determinants of health. Children who grow up in this kind of poverty are at risk for compromised development and poor educational outcomes. Preschool is critical to improving outcomes, but research indicates that preschool alone is not enough. Children must be afforded equitable education at high functioning schools and long-term support for their families. In 2017 Face to Face partnered with a high-quality preschool provider, Mercy Neighborhood Ministries, to offer 60 students at Face to Face high quality Head Start. Face to Face will help stabilize and empower families to break the cycle of poverty for the next generation by establishing relationships with the children’s families, supporting familial bonds, assisting with employment, housing, benefits, etc. to improve the families’ well-being, connecting them to quality elementary education and providing on-going support.

Face to Face works to ensure families living in poverty have the resources they need to successfully manage their child’s educational experiences from Kindergarten through High School and even college. Face to Face employs three strategies: engage the families of the pre-school children to build trust, develop relationships with area schools to enable a seamless admission/scholarship process, and connect the families to our meals and legal, social, and health services and other community resources to alleviate stressors in family life. Once transitioned to elementary school, Face to Face will continue to support families. We envision these relationships continuing throughout the child’s school experience. This three-pronged, evidenced-based approach will mitigate the long-term consequences of growing up in poverty.

Ancillary Services

Toiletry distribution

Fridays 10:00am – 12:30pm

Art Program

Fridays 10:00am-12:00pm

Guests can work at their own level under the direction of experienced art teachers.


Monthly Saturday.


Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00am-2:00pm

A hot private shower and toiletries are provided for those in need.

Computer Lab

Fridays 11:00am – 1:00pm

Get Involved Today!

Learn more about how you can help those experiencing hunger and poverty.